Category Archives: 1971 Javelin SST-parts car

2018 Wrap up

The Shed In January I continued working on the shed.  I built 3 shelves high enough so I could tuck motors underneath.  One long shelf along the back wall. This shelf has 7 large tubs underneath that hold different items. … Continue reading

1971 Javelin SST-parts car, 1975 Gremlin -Greta-street, Misc, Shop Talk

My first 401!

I’ve been on the hunt for a 401 motor for Madd Matt (the road racing Matador). One popped up on craigslist about 2 hrs from me. It was still attached to a 1971 Javelin SST. The car had damage to … Continue reading

1971 Javelin SST-parts car, 1974 Matador-road race, Drive Train